A Birthday Tribute to My Mom: A Lesson in Resilience and Living Life

My mom just had a birthday. If you know anything about me, you know that my mom is my best friend. She’s my OG travel partner - the person who taught me how to hitchhike, sleep in hostels, haggle over prices, and place value experiences over items. It’s always been me and my mom, and it will always be me and my mom.

As I sit down to commemorate this day, I can't help but reflect on the incredible journey that brought us here. She's not just any mother; she's a force of nature, a guiding light through the highs and lows, and the reason behind the opportunities that fill my life with dreams instead of despair.

Her story began in Indonesia, the eldest girl of seven… her father died young, leaving my grandma to fend for all of them… Against all odds, she built a life from scratch, giving me the chance to chase my passions, which is something she couldn’t even fathom.

It’s weird when you hit the moment of realization that your parents are human beings - that they probably had no idea what they were doing when they were raising you… in my mothers case, she also had the additional burdens of being single parent, navigating a completely different culture.

I don’t take for granted that I have the luxury to pursue my own dreams. I recall the pivotal moment when I left my high-paying advertising job in the bustling streets of NYC nine years ago—a leap of faith she fully supported. And since then, she’s visited me in different countries including Croatia, Hungary, Myanmar, Vietnam, Kenya, Thailand, Spain, France, and more.

From my long-distance relationship to a Frenchman, lasting six years before marriage, to every unexpected twist and turn, her unwavering encouragement and belief in me never faltered.

At times, I find myself grappling with a sense of guilt regarding the life choices I've embraced—prioritizing travel and exploration over a stable, conventional job; maintaining distance from her rather than settling down close by; opting for flights over saving for a future home or financial security to care for her later on. While I personally don't fret over missing out on certain traditional milestones of adulthood, such as building a family or pursuing a traditional career path,

I can't help but acknowledge the uncertainty my choices might present for her. It's not easy for any parent to witness their child navigate an unpredictable path, desiring both security and happiness. However, I believe she recognizes the joy and fulfillment I find in living an adventurous life. Moreover, drawing from her own journey to the US, she understands that risks often yield invaluable rewards. Her lessons of hard work, empathy, and valuing experiences over material possessions resonate deeply.

She taught me not to be swayed by others' opinions and to treasure the richness of travel, exposing me to diverse cultures and experiences. Her generosity extends beyond our adventures—she cares for our family back in Indonesia, selflessly providing support without seeking anything in return.

Traveling with her is a revelation. She might appear petite and fragile, but she's a resilient warrior beneath that gentle exterior. During our recent journey spanning the Middle East, Spain, and France, witnessing her clocking nearly 20,000 steps daily at the age of 70, including climbing uneven steps, was awe-inspiring.

However, I can physically see that she’s getting older, and it makes me appreciate the precious time that we have together. Inshahallah that we’ll have decades more together, but as I reach the age where my friend’s don’t necessarily have their parents around, or the roles reverse and the child becomes the caretaker… it really puts into perspective how limited our time together really is. Just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes, because I can’t imagine a world without my mom - as I said in the beginning, it’s always been me and her.

This past year, amidst personal challenges like getting laid-off, the universe presented an unexpected gift—a period of shared time, where for once in our lives, we had BOTH time and money. We were able to fulfill a bucket list dream—a trip to Israel & Jordan. We spent nearly 3 weeks exploring the region, and left on Oct 6, just a mere 24 hours before the Hamas attacks. We were both shook to our core, and it served as a poignant reminder of life's unpredictability.

It's a testament to her resilience, her indomitable spirit that triumphs over adversity, and her insistence on seizing every moment. Her unwavering zest for life teaches me that tomorrow is never guaranteed, urging me to live fully in the present.

As I celebrate her birthday, I am not just celebrating her existence but honoring the invaluable lessons she's imparted. She's more than a mother; she's my mentor, my inspiration, and my hero—forever guiding me through life's unpredictable yet beautiful journey.

Cheers to the woman who exemplifies resilience, grace, and unwavering love—a true testament to the power of the human spirit. Happy birthday, mamaaaa! I love you so much.